First of all, I'd like to extend my sincerest apologies to the residents of Meridian. When I embarked on my I'mgonnabeproductiveeventhoughIdon'thaveacar bike adventure, not only did I realize when I arrived at the library that I forgot to wear deodorant, but I also forgot to wear a bra.
I think this country is going through enough hardship for me to expose them to the likes of that. I hope they accept my apology and work on making an effing bike lane on their main roads so some d-bag doesn't plow me over while texting.
I really can't think of anything intelligent or witty to say because the only thing in my tummy right now is a banana and two carrots. And no, I don't have an unconscious desire for...banana carrot salad.
Is that not what you were thinking?
Here is a picture of the earth from very, very far away:
And now you're realizing that this is a complete waste of your time. I'm glad you made it this far to realize that and not at "herpderp chek owt my bloggg its full of intereststing thins n stufff plz reed n like itt so i kin hav some selfestemee!!!11!!111one"
By the way, if I ever start writing like that please murder my face. Or force me to read a novel.
Done, bye.