Friday, December 13, 2013

Confession Friday: First Installment


I've decided to make a segment on everybody's favorite day of the week in which I admit to horribly embarrassing things that will hopefully entertain you and appreciate my flaws. And hopefully not hate me. Or turn me in to the police.

I'll start with just a few this week. Also I probably won't be doing this every Friday. Trust me, I have plenty of material, I just have something else going on besides this blog. Perhaps you've herard if it... A life. It involves me working a job and going outdoors. Yeah, it's really time consuming and frankly I'd rather not do it. But! I gots to pay mah billz.

Well then, let's confess things.

-I haven't shaved my legs in about five weeks and they look very sasquatchy.

-When I was a wee child I didn't want to poot in the cold because I thought it would show up as a cloud like your breath does. I never found out if that's even false so I still try not to do it in the cold. Who wants to have a poot cloud billowing out of their pants for everyone to see? Not me!

-This is probably the ninth or tenth Friday since I decided to start a Confession Friday. I've just been too lazy/self-conscious of what to share. (Awwww)

-I'm currently typing this while sitting on the toilet. Like I went to pee and thought "This would make a good Confession Friday confession if I typed the whole thing from here. I should really start up with that because who knows when the next Friday is going to come."

And that's all for this week. I'm going to get up and wipe and flush.

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