Monday, December 8, 2014

Movie Knockoffs You Love to Hate

So anyone who's ever been to a Redbox kiosk or has browsed through Netflix's library has probably stumbled across one of these gems.

Some of you may have seen one of these and thought "Wow, I thought that movie was still in theaters, but I can get it today! And it's actually in stock! This must be my lucky day!" And after the fateful credit card transaction and confusing, frustrating 10-45 minutes of "...What IS this??" filled with fast-forwarding and double- maybe triple-checking your disc, you realize then that you've been  robbed and deceived and the evil copycatters on that second-floor office in Denver are laughing all the way to the bank.

If you have fallen victim to this atrocity, do not be ashamed. You are not alone.

...I mean, I never have. I'm too smart for them. Bwahaha!

But millions of Americans have been victims of movie duping.  And surprisingly enough it's not a new thing! The first case of movie duping dates back to 1939. Studio execs saw the booming success of a blockbuster and wanted a piece of the pie. They came up with the idea of releasing a sub-par film under a near-identical name and movie poster, thus avoiding pesky copyright laws and banking on the naive, unobservant consumer stumbling in and spending money on a film that they weren't meaning to see. Genius!

Here's one of the actual posters from 1939. 

I probably would've fallen for it myself.

So as you can see, movie duping has been confusing movie-goers way before the birth of Netflix and Redbox. In fact, I can personally tell you of one from my own childhood. 

The year was 1994 (Yes, I'm OLD!!) and I had an unhealthy obsession with The Lion King. I loved this movie so much, I was willing to undergo breakthrough, perhaps borderline illegal surgery to become a lion. But I had posters, bed sheets, dolls, watches...pretty sure I was single handedly bankrolling Disney's Christmas parties with my consumption. But the one piece of Lion King memorabilia I didn't have yet was the most quintessential of them all: the movie itself!

Being a young, stupid child, I didn't understand the concept of scheduled film releases. All I knew was the movie was no longer being shown in the theater and the next step was for it to come out on VHS (...I told you I'm old!) so I bothered my parents to check every day at the video stores to see if The Lion King was on video. Every day I was disappointed. "Not yet, Jamie," they would say. 

"But WHEN??!! Maybe you just didn't see it! Go check again! Go! GO! HURRY BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE BUYS IT!"

Yeah, I was pretty dense.

So one day my father, bless his soul, came home one day from his daily trip to the video store with a parcel in tow. "I got you something you  might liiike!" he sang to me.

I remember promptly abandoning my Lion King cereal and bolting to him, arms extended to the VHS in his hand. "YOU GOT IT!!" I screeched to the world.

When I grabbed the video out of his hands, I feasted my eyes upon it and beheld my coveted--


The fuck?

Is this a joke?

Is this some sort of




I immediately thrust the atrocity back at my dad like the spoiled brat I was and told him he got the wrong movie. 

"But you might like it better than The Lion King!" he insisted. "You'll never know unless you give it a try!"

Better than The Lion King?

BETTER than The Lion King????

Even with a tiny child brain I could tell from the first glance at the cover that it paled in the shadow of its superior Disney counterpart. The duration of  the film was 45 minutes. The cover animation was lousy.  Siskel and Ebert didn't even give it any thumbs...probably because they knew better not to waste their time! This movie was obviously trying to pass itself off as the loveable blockbuster...or at least trying to sucker in kids like me to watch it! But I knew better. I wasn't going to fall for their shit, and I was going to tell my dad such.

"But Daaaaaad..." was my respectable retort.

"Just give it a chance," he said before leaving me alone with the pathetic excuse for a cartoon.

I grumbled as I shoved the cassette into the VCR thinking "Maybe he's right."

This thought lasted for a grand total of 2.5 seconds. 

The movie was exactly what the cover promised: inferior garbage.

I was so enraged that I left the room several times while the TV played to an empty couch. I think even my VCR was mad. 

45 agonizing minutes later, I rewound the tape (not only am I old, but I'm also courteous to other suckers) and threw it back at my dad proclaiming my rage and disappointment and that I'd never trust any of his decisions again. 

But being as young and idiotic as I was, the rage I was channeling to my father should've been directed to the film executives who spent time making a piece of garbage to market to unsuspecting children as myself and banking on our excitement for a film about anthropomorphic lions. Shame on them! They are the real enemies!

So anyway as you can see, movie duping has been pissing off people of all ages and generations. Don't be a victim! Fight the power! Buy only licensed products! Eat eggs!

Thursday, October 9, 2014 in "Should I watch this film?" "No-ah!"

Do you guys like my clever title?

What do you mean "what clever title?"!

...I thought it was clever.

Well anyway this is my first film review ever so bear with me as I do it wrong and then you can complain about it to me later and I'll ignore you at first and then be defensive and I may insult you just as a knee-jerk reaction, but then I'll apologize later through a heartfelt text message because I'm too chicken to face you like a man and then we'll make up and go out for pancakes but I'll  be too self-conscious to ever share any more of my writing with you again.

So let's get started!

 Today's review is for the 2014 film Noah! Starring Russell "Can't Sing Javert" Crowe, Emma "Hermione from Harry Potter" Watson and Jennifer "She Doesn't Have A Nickname" Connelly. Directed by Darren Aronofsky best known for directing Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream and one of my favorites The Fountain.

Look at this epic movie poster! Blaaah! You know this film is going to be full of intense action sequences and protrusive bottom jaws!

The film begins explaining the story we all (well most of us non-heathens) know about the Garden of Eden and Cain and Abel and such. Each brother had his line of descendants and God decided that the descendants of Cain were no good since they somehow got lumped in with Cain's evil nonsense simply by virtue of the fact that they were related to him. Never mind the fact that according to this logic, everybody in the world is related to each other and therefore everyone is related to Cain. So...whatever.

Enter mini Noah and his father out making flowers grow and other magical things. Then this fellow comes along by the name of Tubal-Cain (no, he was not a cylindrical version of Cain if you're wondering) and kills Noah's father claiming that he thus ended the line of Seth, not knowing Noah is hiding behind a rock like a ninja.

Fast forward a couple of decades. Noah has a wife and three sons. ...I don't know, if it were me and I was the last of my family line, I would make a shit ton more babies than three. Just sayin'. So anyway, Noah's family is heading across the land to see his grandfather, Methusela, played by Hannibal Lecter himself - Anthony Hopkins. But he doesn't show up until later. In the meantime, Noah's family stumbles across a village of people who were just slaughtered by the Cain army. Ew, awkward. But there's one survivor, a girl named Ila (Hermione) and Noah thinks "Yay I can take in this female companion so my sons can reproduce and carry on the family line!" until Ila reveals that during the attack on her village, she was stabbed in the baby maker and was rendered useless. This puts Noah in an awkward situation but decides to take the less rude route and take her in regardless.

By the way, what are the chances that during an attack from a guy with a sword that you only get stabbed in the ovaries? It's like

The extended family continues on their journey to see Methusela in his giant mountain cave home.

Now I'm not much of a Bible expert, but I do know that as I was watching the film some things just didn't seem very Bibley. Like I'm pretty sure these rock creatures

aren't anywhere in any translation of the Bible anywhere ever. I mean Aronofsky probably wanted to spiff up the story. I get that. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who was immediately thrown out of the movie thinking "Well when should I expect The Thing to show up?"

I guess I'll fast-forward to the part everybody knows and that's when shit starts to get real. Noah gets a vision from God to build an ark so two of each animal and his family can survive and everybody else can fuck off and die. The rock people help Noah after he makes a forest sprout out of the ground and the family starts building the giant ark.

Part-way through construction, word gets out that God's going to kill everything so millions of animal couples start flocking to the ark. When the wave of bug and creepy-crawly couples show up, Noah's kids' immediate reaction (as mine would) was to swat at them, but Noah sagely replies, "Everything that creeps, crawls and slithers." Easy to say for someone who has never gotten Malaria or West Nile. Thanks a bunch, Noah.

Noah's wife comes up with the idea to put the creatures into a deep sleep by burning incense. Apparently this knocks the animals out cold for the entire duration of the film.

Meanwhile Noah's oldest son, Shem, has grown pretty fond of his barren adoptive sister but is pretty bummed out that his sexual desires won't produce anything useful. His brother, Ham, is super jealous that his brother got dibs on their sister and sets out to find his own baby-maker. Ham wanders into the Cain people village and spots the first young girl within sight and decides that she'll do.

Upset that she'll never bear children and carry on the family line, Ila stumbles upon her adoptive great-grandfather, Anthony Hopkins, who apparently has God-like powers and with one touch suddenly heals Ila of her useless ovaries. Instead of thanking him, she runs back to the ark and collides into Shem where they promptly have sex right then and there. I mean, why waste time, right?

Cain's village has also gotten word of Noah's ark and has schemed to attack him and take over the vessel so they could all have a big party during the end of the world. When it starts to rain, everybody loses their shit and stampedes towards the ark. Ham and his new baby-maker meanwhile are on their way back to the ark as well when the herd of crazy people come barreling towards them. They panic and run, but baby-maker loses her balance and falls. Ham freaks out and tries to go back for her but Noah drags him back to the ark. Baby-maker, apparently completely helpless, just screams for Ham to come back and help her up before promptly getting trampled by the mob and crushed to death. This upsets Ham very much. Way to kill off our species, DAD!

Noah and his family clamor into the ark and the rock people hold off the mob while the rain turns into a flood. As the mob beats on the rock people, one apparently gets beaten too hard and explodes into a beam of light. Slowly one by one each rock person falls and beams back up to heaven in a blaze of glory.

Tubal-Cain isn't really fazed by this and finds way to sneak onto the ark before the waters rise.

Noah's family huddles in the ark while they ignore the distant screams of people drowning and dramatic lamenting about how they're missing out on the ark party. Ila and Shem think this is a good opportunity to inform Noah and his wife that they're going to be grandparents, because apparently one can tell if they're pregnant within 24 hours of sex (??)  Noah and his wife ask how (the hell) that's even possible and when Ila says Noah's grandfather, Methusela, gave her uterus magic healing powers, Noah gets super pissed and vows to murder the baby if it's a girl. If it's a boy, he'll let it grow up a weird, awkward, sexless life and die a lonely old virgin lacking any social skills. Neither of these options make any sense to me! Why would Noah care whether it's a boy or a girl? I'm no biologist, but I'm pretty sure no matter what gender you are born, you need another human of the opposite gender to reproduce, right? So...whatever. Anyway, Noah tells Ila that as soon as that baby pops out, he better see a penis on it or he's making baby soup for dinner. Ila and Shem aren't super happy with how Noah took the news and there's a little bit of family drama that ensues...also, pretty sure none of which made it into the Bible.

Meanwhile Tubal-Cain is somewhere in the ark licking his wounds and feasting off of a unicorn when Ham stumbles upon him. Firstly, Ham scolds Tubal-Cain for devouring the beast his father is working so hard to save, to which T-C replies, "Well, your dad didn't exactly give a crap about you and your..." --His eyes drift to Ham's throbbing package-- "...needs." This gets Ham all fired up as he remembers that his dad ruined Ham's chances of ever getting laid and carrying on the species so he and T-C plot a sinister plot to murder Noah as soon as the ark finds land.

And apparently he's able to hide in the ark for the entire duration of Ila's pregnancy, which again, I'm no doctor, but I've heard that's a nine-month period. During this time, everybody else manages to stay alive on a boat full of angry animals and not go crazy and make friends with volleyballs. Ila's getting pretty preggo when Shem tells his mom that they're escaping on a raft. Noah's wife bids them good-bye as they are about to set sail when Noah trolls up behind them and sets the skiff on fire.

Shem finally decides he's had enough of Noah's shit, never mind that he'd probably be dead if it wasn't for Noah, but he's not really considering that at the moment and attempts to fight Noah and fails miserably as Noah knocks him out with one punch. Like twelve seconds later, Ila goes into labor. I guess it's a good thing Noah set their raft on fire or else Ila would have to have a middle-of-the-endless-ocean birth. Not sure how well that would've gone over. Anyway, Noah's wife, having been well-versed on birthing babies, takes Ila to a spot in the ark to push the kid out.

Meanwhile, Tubal-Cain and Ham decide now's a pretty good time to launch their attack on Noah. Ham comes at Noah and Noah lays him out with one punch. Either Noah never taught his boys how to fight or he's just that badass.

T-C puts up a little more of a struggle and actually knocks Noah down. But then instead of doing Noah in, T-C does the thing where he makes a long-winded speech as most bad guys tend to do, and Ham overcomes his teenage angst and chooses to kill Tubal-Cain instead of his dad. As father and son stand over Tubal-Cain's body, they share a bonding moment.

Meanwhile upstairs, Ila gives birth to a bebeh. Noah's wife says, "But wait there's more!" and Ila turns out to give birth to not one, but TWO bebehs! She looks between the babies' legs and groans. What shit luck!

Upon hearing the groan of double disappointment, Noah abandons his father-son bonding moment with Ham and runs up to murder the bebehs. When he busts into the delivery room, Noah's wife says, "Gee, I don't know where she went. She was just here a second ago..." Noah looks around. "Huh. Weird."

Babies cry from upstairs.

"Dammit," Noah's wife mutters as Noah bolts to the sound wielding his baby-killing knife.

Noah reaches the upper deck where Ila is doing a horrible job hiding and she begs Noah not to kill them. He ignores her and just as he raises his blade to cut up some bebeh, he is suddenly overwhelmed with bebeh and upon seeing bebehs he realizes he shouldn't kill bebehs because bebehs! He drops his knife and gives them each a kiss, which still upsets Ila because now she's super confused and completely untrusting of him now.

In the wake of his peace and love epiphany, the ark hits shore and he tells the family to disembark for family pictures.

On their new home, which is horribly lonely, Noah says a prayer for the family thanking God for the second chance. He also prays that with time, love and tenderness his infant granddaughters and future grandchildren inbreed with each other to start the human race anew the way God wanted.


And with that, I conclude my review of Noah as a weird, disturbing and often times confusing cinematic attempt at being profound. I rate it 2 out of 5 Bibles. Take my advice and do what I usually do when I attend church and the collection plate comes my way: Just pass.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Friend Who Wouldn't Die

Over the weekend I went on a backpacking trip into the mountains. Little did I know I’d be bringing somebody home with me!

And no, you sickos, this story is not about me getting pregnant on this trip and then going through several failed abortions. Wow. You guys disgust me.

So anyway, I went on this camping trip because I’m rugged and outdoorsy and I enjoy a little bit of nature every now and then. On the last day I remember placing a plastic bag of toiletries on the dirt as I packed up my tent. Once I was all packed up, I threw the bag into my backpack and departed the campsite.
After the long weekend of hiking and rugged outdoorsyness coupled with the tiresome drive home, the last thing my tired body wanted to do was unpack everything properly. However I did pull out my bag of toiletries to fish out my deodorant as I was in desperate need of a shower and to smell like something other than dusty socks that have been bathing in an armpit all summer. Forty-five glorious minutes later, I emerged squeaky clean and fresh from the shower rejuvenated and motivated to properly unpack my camping effects. 

The first thing I reached for was my plastic bag of toiletries.

That’s when I met my friend!

My friend is pictured below.

And this isn’t your normal creepy crawly earwig. This was a Sawtooth Wilderness earwig. It eats normal earwigs for “I’m in a munchy mood, but I don’t really feel like eating a full meal” snacks. I mean this was a




An earwig that, I deduced, crawled onto my bag of toiletries during the time it was in the dirt and hitched a ride home with me. My initial reaction to meeting my friend the earwig was screeching like a banshee’s pissed-off cat and fleeing to the adjacent room. My husband heard my cat screech and proceeded to ignore me mostly because he had just gotten in the shower after me and wanted to passive-aggressively punish me for taking up all the precious hot water.

I peeked around the corner to see Mr. Earwiggins rapidly crawling around his plastic bag home deciding the best route to take towards my pillow where he could lay his earwig eggs. 


I quickly snatched up the bag, Mr. Earwiggins in tow, and threw the whole thing into the sink. 

Unfazed by his sudden flight and crash landing, the earwig crawled ferociously towards the mouth of the sink. Before he could get to the lip, I turned on my tap water and flushed a huge wave at the fucker and down he washed towards the drain hole. 

And just as quickly as he slid, he regained his gross earwig footing and resumed his crawl towards me. I panicked and flushed more water his way. I tried and tried but no amount of water could sweep this earwig down far enough. I filled a cup as he crawled back up the porcelain and dumped a powerful gush directly on him. This caused him to swirl down the drain hole and I blasted the tap down after him in hopes to flush him down to the depths of the sewer. After running enough water to put out a relatively small forest fire, I shut the tap off and sighed with relief at the riddance of my friend the earwig.


The fucker actually crawled OUT OF THE SINK!!! What kind of demonic spawn of Satan was this thing?? I couldn’t think of what else to do except try to flush him down again.

“I’m finally getting some hot water,” husband droned at me.

“Hot water! Good idea!” I said and immediately turned the knob from lukewarm to BOIL. If this earwig wouldn’t drown, I could certainly scald him to death!

On take two I flushed Mr. Earwiggins down the drain and blasted the hot water down on him until steam fogged up the mirror. (“God dammit!!” husband lamented.) As soon the skin on my own face started to blister from the steam, I figured I’d done the job and shut off the tap.

“I think he’s gone,” I reported to husband who had basically endured a five minute ALS ice bucket challenge.

“Great. I hope he was worth it.”

“Indeed,” I nodded and turned back to the sink.


At this point I just started throwing random objects at him, hoping that any one of these projectiles would end this demon’s life or at least suspend his immortal soul so that I could dispose of his flesh vessel.

One of the objects I threw was a Kleenex box. Although the sharp corner of the box didn’t end Mr. Earwiggins’ life like I had planned, it did give me a relatively good idea.

I grabbed out a tissue from the box and used it to pinch Mr. Earwiggins into a suffocating trap of soft whiteness. Then in one sweeping motion, I threw the toilet seat open and tossed the Kleenex into the bowl with Mr. Earwiggins sailing with it. “Plip” went the Kleenex and Mr. Earwiggins’ earwiggy body wiggled beneath the damp tissue as it floated on the surface of the toilet water. 

“And now you meet your end!” I announced as I pushed down on the lever to flush him to his doom.

The water slurped down through the hole and I watched as the two ply Kleenex separated in the flushing process. One half got sucked down into the depths but the other half…

“Are you frickin’ KIDDING me!!” I screamed as Mr. Earwiggins, still underneath his wet Kleenex shroud, clung to the side of the bowl as the flushing water flowed over him.

“Maybe he’s just not meant to die,” husband suggested, rather impressed with the earwig’s tenacious will to live.

“NO!” I insisted, frantically flushing the toilet again. “He MUST DIE!!”

Finally the second flush swept Mr. Earwiggins and his Kleenex down into the hole and through the pipes. I watched for several moments with my hand ready at the lever for a third time, fourth time, as many times as I needed to drown him and rid him from my life forever.

He never crawled back out.

It has been five days, 28 flushes and 13 hefty bowel movements since this incident and I’m happy to report that no Sawtooth Wilderness earwigs have been spotted crawling out of my bathroom to reap revenge and lay earwig eggs.

Thus ends the horrific tale of Mr. Earwiggins, the friend who wouldn’t die.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I hate this song! I haaaaaate this sooooong!

 Those who know me understand my avid love for a man named Bruce Springsteen.

Oh, you've never heard of him? Well, allow me to explain..........why you should JUMP OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH BECAUSE YOU ARE A HUMILIATION TO MANKIND IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS OMG WOW JUST STAHP!!!!

Anyway I'm rather fond of Bruce and his work and one would say I'm a rather faithful fan as I've traversed several hundred miles to see him perform live and have spent tens of tens of dollars on his albums and several hundred minutes waiting on illegal downloads of his other albums that I didn't want to pay for (well, there's your freebie confession!) and other such labors of love for the Boss.

But there's one particular song that I'm not too fond of. Now many of you don't know this about me, but I actually HATE one of Bruce's songs. Gasp! OMG it's true. Like not the kind of hate where I merely skip the track or change the radio station when the horrid song comes on. No. I hate this song like if I had the chance to go back in time I would choose to go to the year 1980 and find Bruce and lobotomize his brain so that all traces of cognizant memory of anything about this song would be lost forever. I'd catch any leakage of brain matter in a test tube (it wouldn't be that much because he obviously didn't put too much thought into writing it) and I would cork that shit and use my second chance to time travel and travel to 79 AD to Pompeii and hurl the tube of God-awfulness into the rolling sea of hot lava. And if I didn't get a second chance I would probably just find a decent-sized gorge and send it on a trip down there.

You're probably thinking "Jeez, Forks, what Bruce Springsteen song could possibly make you feel so strongly? And why wouldn't you save all those people in Pompeii drowning in lava while you're destroying a vial of Bruce's brain matter?"

To that I respond: "The River!" and "I don't want to change the course of history too much to hurtle the world into unknown chaos. Although if I do see some pitiful people within reach, I may save a few of them if I knew there wouldn't be any repercussions leading to a time-space-continuum disaster."

Yes, folks, "The River." I can't fucking STAND "The River!" It's the epitome of horribleness. It's like the one horrible mistake we all make and are not proud of but there it is! We all have made that one mistake. Ted Kennedy's was letting that girl drown after he drunk drove his car into a river. Ronald Reagan's was the Iran-Contra affair. God's was allowing the birth of Adolf Hitler. Bruce Springsteen's was writing "The River."

 You're probably thinking "It can't be that  bad!"

I say, "It is."

You're probably thinking "Oh. Well. Okay."

The basic premise of this heartland emo song is this dude whining about how much his life sucks. That's it. Just whine, whine, whine, whine, life is hard, whine, whine, down to the river, whine, whine, I can't find a job, whine, whine, my life sucks, whine, whine, river, whine, economy, whine, WHINE!

Even his harmonica is whiny. It's like it's in pain for having to be a part of this song.

You may be thinking, "But Forkie, 90% of Springsteen's songs are about people whining about how much their lives suck!" To you I say, "False! Springsteen usually laments in his songs. In "The River" he is whining like a pathetic bitch.

 And it's not even a good reason. It's not like "I'm stuck with this low-paying job because I can't leave my starving family." It's more like "My life is hard and it sucks here but I don't even want to try to find anything better because waaaah!!!"

Later on in the song he sings (whines) about getting his girlfriend pregnant and having to get married and then bitches about THAT! Really, dude? What were you expecting? You should've put on one or pulled out, then you wouldn't have to complain about how there were "no wedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle, no flowers, no wedding dress." But go ahead and just whine about how it's the economy's fault. That's really productive.

And apparently the only thing this guy can work is construction. Even though there are probably tons of jobs elsewhere, he insists on sticking around his piss-poor valley where he dives into the river every other Tuesday to stew about how his dreams have been washed away. Maybe he should just drive his car into the river so nobody has to hear him complain about being a loser ever again.

You're probably thinking, "........Jeez."

And for whatever reason, people LOVE this song! They don't realize it's the anthem for lazy, helpless hillfolk who refuse to better their lives. They also don't know that if they listen to it too much, they'll become just like the guy in the song! Turn back, people! Don't get sucked in to the suck! Stay in school!

I guess instead of ranting about how much I hate this song, I should conclude this blog with the things I enjoy.






Okay fine! I hate everything!

No. Not everything. One thing I do enjoy is re-writing lyrics. Here's my version of "The River" which is 145 times better than Bruce's original. Enjoy.

I come from down in the shithole valley, where Mr. Whenyoureyoung
Was my art teacher who told me
do like your daddy done
Me and Mary we met in high school, after I failed English [Mary and I]
We'd ride out of that valley down to where we could do all the drugs we wanted

We'd go down to the river
Even though we left the valley [he failed geography too]
Oh down to the river we'd do hor-r-r-ible things

Then I got Mary pregnant, and that was the economy's fault
And for my nineteenth birthday I didn't get the car I wanted
We went down to the courthouse
Waaaaah I couldn't afford a condom!
No wedding day smiles no walk down the aisle
My life sure does suck a fat bitch

That night we went down to the river
She said "Well this honeymoon sucks!"
Oh down to the river wah wah wah wah

I got a job working construction for the Johnstown Company
But lately there ain't been much work on account of the economy
Have I mentioned my life sucks?
Well mister I'll tell you one more time
Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!

But I remember being a reckless teenager
And then every adult ruined my life
At night I would dream of becoming a construction worker
At least that came true
But everything else went to shit
I can't believe you read this far, haven't you given up yet?
It sends you down to the river where you want to promptly drown
Down to the river you'll end your misery
Down to the river, why are you still reading?
Down to the river, now go listen to Racing in the Street!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm in a video with Bruce Springsteen. No for real! AAAHHH!!!

Don't believe me, bitches? Look for the red exit sign in the entry between the horns section and the piano (the right-most one) See the red exit sign? Look to the right of that at the giant green blob dancing and clapping like a doofus. That's ME! I am indeed dancing in the dark trying  to start a fire without a spark. During the times I'm not clapping along like a seal, I'm recording the song with my flip phone. Ohhh yeah I bet you're jealous. I would be too because flip phones are the shit.

The most magical moment is at 2:07 when Bruce turns to me and I wave at him and he waves back! HE WAVES BACK AT ME!!!! Or he could've possibly been waving at the guy with the Greetings From Asbury Park towel...but still pretty damn close and OMG I LOVE YOUTUBE AND TECHNOLOGY AND BEING ABLE TO RELISH IN  THIS OTHERWISE EMBARRASSING DISCOVERY OF UTMOST BUFFOONERY!!!!11!11one

EDIT: If you feel ambitious enough to watch the whole video, at 3:29 Bruce encourages anarchy as he yells at crazed fans who had climbed on top of an island and started dancing and security was pushing them off. Bruce yells "Keep going! Don't pay any attention to that guy. Fuck him!" which I'm sure the security guy appreciated.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Google Maps challenge!

We've all googled ourselves.



We've all ran a search for our name through But that's so 2002. You should try to find yourselves on Google Maps! I found myself on both the street view AND the satellite view. ...Okay I found Cornelia. My car. Yes. I named my car. Problem?

Anyway here she is

at my then boyfriend's/now husband's/future crime-fighting partner's house. Obviously taken a long-ass time ago. Not obvious to you. Only obvious to me.

Uh and yes, I did give her a gender. She's a female. Problem?

And here she is

at my second home, AKA my job where I reside during the one third of my life when I'm not sleeping or sitting at home thinking about sleeping. No shocker that I found myself there. Not surprising, yet immensely depressing.

Your turn!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Some reading material for the kiddos

Okay here's the truth. I have actually been waiting all day long to sit and write this blog. So after a long day of work and coming home only to wait even longer in the bathroom until the sound of the husband's snores shook the house, I was FINALLY able to get some time alone at the computer to type...and then I saw the bubble spinner game still open on one of my tabs. If I told you I closed out the tab and began blogging immediately, I'd be a dirty liar.

So here I am two hours later.

...Whatever, like you've never been addicted to anything in YOUR life because you're PERFECT!

In fact, addiction is one of my topics of discussion tonight as I introduce to you a small passion of mine: writing children's books! I've actually written two children's books in my life and have since ran out of material that's both engaging to children and not completely perverted. Today my inspiration was renewed through a few simple conversations that were exchanged at my place of work.

My manager, whom we will refer to as Bert because that's what I call him to his face and his peers and also because it's his name, and I were working in our stockroom when the following conversation occured:

Me: What's the point of making the fresh point pink if we don't get sent any pink stuff?
Bert: I think the people at the main office decide not to think about why a girl named Byrd questions everything they do.

As demeaning and unfunny as that sounds, this actually led to my uproarious and uncontrollable laughter to which Bert replied, "Uhhhh ohhh! There's the giggle!" and "Your face is getting red, Byrd!" and "Hahaha I'm pretty hilarious." and "I should do some stand-up." and "Maybe I can do some bits on the radio." and "Then maybe I can finally afford a furry steering wheel cover for my jeep."

As Bert was planning out his future in comedy stardom, a brilliant idea for a children's book was rapidly unfolding in my head and my amused laughter evolved into a maniacal cackle as I plotted for great success and possibly world domination. Or at least an award.

 So without further ado, allow me to introduce the first book in my new collection:

 The plot follows a young girl named Byrd who is plagued with a curious and rare birth defect resulting from her mother becoming too affectionate with her pet pigeon. Of course this abnormality renders Byrd an outcast and an undesirable friend for the human race...but what about the avian species? Read about Byrd's quest to find belonging among her feathered friends and find out what it takes to become the greatest day trader on Wall Street.

...Ohh! Bet you weren't expecting that plot twist! I'm not as predictable as all that. And speaking of unpredictable, check out my next book:

 Yes, I decided to let Bert in on my success. I feel I owe it to him since he ignited the fire of inspiration, albeit accidentally not unlike the cow that started the Great Chicago Fire.

This charming book features Bert and Jeepy and their unlikely yet enduring companionship so strong that it makes his friends and family question his sexuality. This story teaches kids that it doesn't matter who (or what) you love as long as he or she (or it) loves you in return and that true love conquers all (or is pretty frickin' weird).

And notice there's no credit for illustrations. I gathered all these pictures from stock footage and Bert's facebook page.

And what was so "unpredictable" about that? Ha! Joke's on you! It's not unpredictable, but you were predicting me to tie that book into being unpredictable but I DIDN'T! And no, I'm not just saying that because I was too lazy to try to make a conne...look free donuts!

*runs off to play the bubble spinner game*

Three and a half hours later...

Man, I really needed that fix. Now maybe I'll get an hour of sleep in tonight.

Uhh oh yeah, my third book. This one was inspired by another catchy quip that my assistant manager, Danny K. uttered (or screamed) to one of my co-workers Kendra Core as she was slicing open a cardboard box with a sharp, scary blade of doom. (Actually I can't remember what she was doing, but it was apparently pretty dangerous. Anyway.)

This, of course, teaches kids the importance of safety through our protagonist who is always finding herself in near-death situations. It covers everything from loading a shotgun to responding to an ad on Craigslist. With all the fancy and distracting technology in this day and age, safety is essential for survival and must be taught at a very young age. Or your kids will die. Plain and simple. This book may save your child's  life. So buy a copy for each child you have and read it to them every night before they go to bed. Yes, every night until the information is so far ingrained in their heads that they'll dream about it. Read it to them every night until they turn 18. And start reading it to them as early as conception. In fact, as soon as your man rolls off of you and promptly falls asleep, break that bad boy out and start reading it to your vagina. Studies have shown that reading this book to freshly released sperm increases their chances of safely traveling to the fallopian tube. If you give a crap about the future of our children, you'll buy this book and read it, love it and live it! soon as I write it.

Okay last one!

This one covers a more somber topic, but no less prominent in a child's life: addiction! This book features the previous book's inspiration, Danny K. and his struggles with various addictions, from Red Bulls, alcohol, heroine, Candy Crush, porn, M&Ms, Duck Dynasty...the list goes on and on....much like an addiction! Hohohoh! The sad kids will like this one and hopefully it'll put a smile on their faces and make them forget, if only for a little while, about their meth-head mom pimping them out every weekend for her drug money.

Studies also show that exposing young children to topics like meth and pimping out will better prepare them for the real world and set them up for success!

I have no evidence to back this up. Just believe me.

Well there they are, folks, my pride and joy! I'll be sure to mention you faithful readers in my acceptance speech when I win the award for Best Children's Book Ever Written by a Non-Celebrity Female Under the Age of 27. I only have a few more months left to be eligible for that award so I better get to writing. ...Although Bubble Spinner looks mighty tempti--

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Confession Friday: Second Installment

Why, yes I AM aware that it's Saturday and not Friday, but dammit I don't want to wait another week to write horrible confessions! If it will ease your obsessive compulsiveness I'll refer to this edition to "Saturday Sins". Happy now?

1. I judge people who have atrocious grammar. Like "Oh that guy must not have gotten enough breast milk" or "Well she obviously grew up without a father" and sometimes "He must be from Nampa."

2. I don't and pretty much never have eaten cereal with milk because soggy cereal is the worst food consistency next to five week-old bananas. Yes, I have eaten a five week-old banana. Imagine a bowl of banana-flavored water-logged Cheerios with fruit flies buzzing up your nostrils.

3. There's a long corridor at my place of work and I will dive for the drinking fountain and take an unnecessary drink just to avoid having to awkwardly pass somebody. And depending on the timing of their walk down the hallway, I'll suck water for up to 45 seconds. I should just learn to say hello.

......,.Nah!! Besides I need water to survive.

That's all the shamefulness for this week. Enjoy your squishy Wheaties.